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The American Community Gardening Association (ACGA) links over 2000 gardens across the US and Canada. There isn't "one right way" to garden in community. Instead, there are lots of right answers. We find strength, sustainability, and resilience in the diversity of our gardens and members. Visit "About us" to find out more. One thing is certain. Nobody can do a community garden alone. Gardeners need one another. Join us.


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2021 Season’s Greetings
from ACGA President Cathy Walker

The American Community Gardening Association and I would like to wish all of you

a wonderful holiday season. 


ACGA had a tremendous 2021 because of all the support from our membership, composed of community gardeners from across the US and Canada. During this past year, with your help, ACGA offered a wealth of resources to community gardens, including Growing Community workshops, superfood classes, grant opportunities, and letters of support. We published our newsletter, annual magazine, and annual report,  and we updated our website. We hosted a face-to-face annual community gardening conference in Hampton, Virginia, with COVID safety measures in place, as well as a separate virtual conference. I was able to take part in media interviews and spoke at conferences, to help spread the word about community gardens and our grassroots organization.


I would personally like to thank all of you for your support during 2021. You helped our organization make a difference in the lives of those whom we are called upon to serve. 


We are already excited about opportunities ACGA will offer in 2022. We are here to help your community gardens become the best they can be, and to help you become the best community gardener that you can become.


I like to give credit where credit is due. To the Board of Directors of ACGA, to our committee volunteers, and to all who presented at and assisted with our conferences, thanks for a job well done! My hat goes off to  you for sharing your talents, skill sets, and hours of volunteer time to move this organization to the next level. I look forward to working with you in 2022.


My family and I wish you a blessed holiday season and a magnificent New Year, in your lives and in your community gardens.


Season’s Greetings,


Cathy Walker


The American Community Gardening Association

New members join ACGA’s Board of Directors

ACGA is delighted to welcome our new Board members:  Diana Campos-Jimenez of the Los Angeles Community Garden Council in Los Angeles, California; Lara Fahnestock, of Denver Urban Gardens in Denver, Colorado; Vicki Garrett of the University of Ohio in Columbus, Ohio; and Juan Pedro Maestre of the University of Texas, Austin in Austin, Texas. We congratulate them on their election, and look forward to working with them side-by-side to further the cause of community gardening in 2022.

Drop everything and visit our Forum to see job opportunities related to community gardening


Celebrate your local gardens with this community opportunity

The American Community Gardening Association is taking applications from cities and towns to serve as the host of ACGA’s 2022 annual conference. Our hope is to hold an in-person event with appropriate COVID safety measures, as we did in 2021. There’s nothing like ACGA’s conferences for community gardeners, as a place to learn, discover new strategies, and network with gardeners from just about everywhere. Host communities benefit, too. The event traditionally takes place in mid-late summer or early fall. To find out more, please send an email to . Application deadline has been extended to December 31, 2021.

Photo Don Boekelheide, ACGA: Local garden tour at the 2021 ACGA conference in Hampton, Virginia.

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High marks and ACGA's new annual report

As you consider your plans for end-of-year contributions to your favorite organizations, you not only want to make the world greener, healthier, and more just; you also want your money to be used wisely. Highly respected non-profit rating agency Guidestar has given ACGA its Siver rating for transparency. To find out more about what we are doing, read about us in our 2020 Annual Report, compiled by ACGA Board Member (and ardent birder) Marilu Lopez-Fretts. 




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Give an ACGA membership as a gift this holiday season

As we come into the holiday season, a time of giving thanks and giving gifts, consider gifting your garden friends with a paid membership to ACGA. It’s easy to do - simply sign them up on our membership page. Their membership will actively support the cause of community gardening, and open the door to active participation - attending a conference, enrolling in a training, or volunteering for an ACGA committee or project. (You can arrange with Santa to gift yourself with membership, too.)

Community gardening

ACGA is a great place to ask questions and share perspectives about all aspects of community gardening. You can ask us directly via our contact form, post a note on our "Common Ground" forum, buy copies of our annual magazine addressing different community garden topics at our shop, or visit our Tool Shed page for links and references.  Last but not least, you can post your garden or find a garden using our interactive garden map.


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 1441 Woodmont Ln NW Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA â€‹ Site Managed By ACGA | * 

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