The American Community Gardening Association is a grassroots organization funded entirely through memberships, donations, and grants. We rely on your support to help ensure food security, better health, a thriving environment, and stronger neighborhoods through community gardening. We are grateful for donations of any amount from individuals and organizations. We also benefit from sponsorships that provide more generous support to our mission. You may use the links below, or contact our development chair via
Your gift of any size supports the mission and impact of ACGA.
Plant-A-Seed. $10
Water-A-Garden $50
Summer Shine $250
Early Harvest. $500
Harvest Festival $1000
Special Donation

Other suggested donation amounts: Sow-A-Row $25; Watch-It-Grow $100; Community Unity $2500


Bountiful Harvest
$25,000 - $100,000
Umbrella Membership, tour & consultation, logo on front page of our website, plus a link to your page,
Free National Annual Conference registration for 6, receive honorary plaque at National Conference and exhibition space at our National conference and local workshops
Publicity at our Growing Communities workshop, social media, the Greening Review, social media and newsletter acknowledgement,
Exclusive rights for your business sector
Endorsements and ability to use ACGA logo for their merchandise
Opportunities for community members to sample your products

Plant the Seed
$10,000 - $15,000
Logo on front page of our website, plus a link to your page,
Publicity through social media, logos printed on materials
Organizational membership

Water the Crops
$15,000 - $25,000
Organizational membership, technical assistance and consultation, logo on front page of our website, plus a link to your page,
Publicity through social media, logos printed on materials
Opportunities for community members to sample your products
Free National Annual Conference registration for 4, and exhibition space at our National conference

Turn the Soil
$5,000 - $10,000
Logo on front page of our website, plus a link to your page,
Organizational membership